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Today is

January 23, 2005

Joe: Ohhhhhhhhhh SNAP!
Chico: Double... You... Tea... Eff... We're back with I've Got I've Got a Secret. Gordon's here with our next subject...
Mike: *wonders why Gordon knows all this stuff*
Gordon: I have very powerful connections. Isn't that right, Jason?
Jason: Yes you do. This is Gordon...he has his fingers in everything :-)
Gordon: Hey now - not everything.
Joe: ARGH! Mental images!
Chico: Before we're mysteriously shut down.. again...
Gordon: So we are back, and it's time to change from thinking caps to Scruples caps, as we play Would You Could You?: I'll give you a situation. You tell me if you'd do it.
Jason: Ok...go for it.
Joe: Fire when ready, Grizzly
Chico: Do it.

Would you take a 3 month crash course in Ice Skating to be on a FOX show?

Jason: NO!
Chico: N-O, NO.
Joe: I couldn't even roller skate! How could you expect me to Ice skate?! No
Mike: No. My health insurance wouldn't cover all the broken bones.
Gordon: So none of you would do what the celebrities are doing now?
Jason: Hell no.
Chico: No.
Joe: We're not desperate enough for fame and booze money
Mike: Whoring themselves on TV because they can't land a decent gig? Never.
Chico: This face? is my moneymaker. I don't need the scarrage. Man.. We're really giving Fox the business today, aren't we?
Gordon: And well, deserved
Joe: When shouldn't we give FOX the business?
Gordon: Ok. Next question -

Would you team up with a spoiled brat and do farm work to win $200,000?

Jason: NO.
Mike: The obvious question is "When did Gordon move to the country?" No.
Joe: Earn, maybe. Win, doubtful. No.
Chico: I would, but I'd give him the drill sergeant treatment. Change that. I'd make a drill sergeant look like a pansy.
Gordon: Survival of the richest, a new show, features snobbish rich kids teaming up with poor kids to win $200,000
Joe: If it was something I have talent in, though, (like computers) I'd consider it.
Gordon: The kids wealth combines is almost 2 billion dollars
Joe: It'll probably be a good show, just as long as it's not me in there.
Mike: So the rich are getting richer. And what do the poor kids get? Probably bupkis.
Joe: They'll probably split the money
Mike: I don't like the premise of this one bit.
Chico: This is probably going to stumble out of the gate.
Mike: If that's the case, then my initial reaction will change slightly. I just don't see it flying.
Chico: I don't see an audience for this, no way.
Joe: It's aimed for the middle class audience, because the poor kids are the success story and the snobby kids are getting what they deserve
Gordon: That's the first buddy buddy premise. Here's the second one -

Will you travel around the world with a gay hairdresser for a shot at $500,000?

Mike: I could use a trim...
Jason: I might.
Joe: It depends on how desperate the hairdresser is, but 7 times out of 10, I'd say yes
Chico: Sounds like a cool adventure. I'd do it. Are regular pit stops involved?
Gordon: So you'd all rather hang out with a gay hairdresser than a snobbish rich kid?
Joe: As long as the gay hairdresser is only concerned about the hair on my head
Jason: Gay Hairdressers a lot more fun.
Chico: I'd rather play for $500K than $200K.
Joe: Sure, Chico picks the obvious reason
Mike: Regular kids are bad enough. Snobby rich ones...never.
Gordon: lol - ok. Next one...  Let's say that you are all going on a weight loss show (no, don't read into that) And let's say that you had a drug problem... (Don't read into that either)
Mike: Thank you for the caveat
Chico: Of course.
Jason: Sure (inhales) sure.

The company that is producing the show thinks that you have the drug problem and wants you to share it to the world - or they kick you off the show. Would you? (Obviously, they will show you the way to treatment - but they want to tape you doing that, too)

Jason: Depends on how much of an addict I am.
Mike: I'd get my luggage and the first thing I'd say is "TAXI!"
Jason: SNAP!
Chico: Depends... Am I getting paid off for this?
Mike: *waits to see how many of you get the reference* Jason did.
Jason: Like a Bonaduce doesn't care.
Chico: Heh...
Jason: He is a freaking train wreck.
Gordon: You are being paid to be on the show, yes
Joe: Actually, wouldn't getting kicked off and THEN telling the world make you look more sympathetic?
Jason: Not sure.
Chico: I would... still not do it... Just a bit too much camera time for poor little old me...
Joe: I honestly don't have have an answer to this question, and I hope I never will have to find one.
Chico: That's the way to go, Joe.
Joe: (This segment of WLTI is co-sponsored by the Ad Council)
Gordon: lol Next up...
Chico: Drugs are bad, mmkay?
Joe: So's obesity. Get out and do stuff.

You want to be on Deal or No Deal. As the places of auditioning are few and far between, some people have traveled 5 days and have gone cross-country to audition. Would you?

Chico: Hells yeah.
Joe: Where were the auditions?
Jason: Yes, and I wish I did on Thursday.
Chico: Same here.. but I was spending Thursday at work.
Mike: No. The probability of being on Deal or No Deal is very very slim. I'd rather take a chance on Jeopardy!
Joe: Meh. Sure why not? Let them exploit my checkbook before they exploit my humanity *rolls eyes*
Gordon: or TPIR. Last one...
Chico: I've driven six hours for Jeopardy!...
Mike: I drove 6 hours for 21
Joe: I've walked 10 minutes for Jeopardy (audience, not tryouts). The tryouts would've been 20 minutes, probably.

If you knew that you were going to meet the musical idol of your dreams, would you sing a duet with him in front of millions of people?

Joe: Yes, But Can I Sing? Meh.
Jason: Yes.
Mike: No. But I could hum.
Chico: I would. Most definitely.. Because I got the pipes as well :-)
Jason: GSC Idol.
Joe: I think I'd be at least adequate. I can carry a tune, but don't expect any beltings out of the hits.
Gordon: It can't be worse than a Carmine Gotti Agnello/Bai Ling duet, could it?
Chico: ... Actually, it could. Don't ask me how, it just... could. Think a Carmen Rasmussen/Bai Ling duet.
Joe: I think we've just fulfilled our Bai Ling quota for the week
Gordon: Yay! I have to get her in every week
Jason: There is such a line.... I am editing myself here.
Chico: Good call.
Gordon: We're done with this - and it's time to go to The BIG FINISH - but first, this!

(Brought to you by Bus of Bucks... Playing against the house is one thing.... But how about playing against the other guy on the aisle? Coming soon to Fox...)

Chico: Thank you, Mike Darnell...
Joe: Here's an interesting proposition: Sing with your idol or dance with Fred or Ginger (your choice, both in their prime)?
Chico: Sing with my idol... Definitely... I can only do the worm and DDR... that's my dancing expertise.
Jason: I know...Chico...rematch with Maddie at GSC5 :-)
Joe: And DDR doesn't count as dancing (neither does Para Para). Well, it was worth a shot.
Chico: Hell yeah
Gordon: THE BIG FINISH! Who's next to go dancing off the stage?
Jason: I still say Master P.
Joe: Someone not named Master P
Gordon: I think he's safe. I think Lisa or George is gone.
Chico: As much as I want to say Master P., I'm going to go with Lisa. Have we seen the next American Idol YET?
Gordon: mmmmm....nope.
Chico: We've been to Chicago and Denver, take that into account.
Joe: Nah.
Chico: Think we'll see it in Greensboro?
Mike: I think that 16-year-old has a chance, even though she's a little young.
Joe: There's always a chance.
Gordon: I think Greensboro will get you at least 1 of the final 4
Chico: Another thing to take into account: North Carolina has produced two of the all time top 2 finishers. That's one-fourth.
Joe: Everybody likes the ACC
Chico: Damn skippy. Everybody also likes mail. We got any?
Gordon: I got an e-mail, Actually, I got one from.. Doug Morris!
Joe: DOUG! *is in full NPIR Ho mode*

From: Doug Morris

Hi WLTI - Who's hosting this call-in show in the UK? Just curious -- only because the other day I saw at the bookstore a book on Sudoku authored by Carol "Countdown" Vorderman.

(Oh, and thanks for the plug on NMG-HSH.)

Chico: Thanks, Doug. Now.. I actually did the research... and one thing's for sure... Carol Vorderman ain't hosting. She hosted another sudoku-based TV show, "Carol Vorderman's Sudoku Live", which was one and done. But as for the "Play Sudoku" that is currently airing... We have no clue. But if you do have a clue, we'd love to hear from you. You can reach us at our usual address,
Gordon: Thanks again, Doug.
Joe: You know, there's actually going to be Sudoku manga. That's right, a Japanese comic book illustrated on how to do Sudoku.
Chico: The only thing missing is the anime version.
Joe: GOD NO!
Jason: Anime Sudoku!
Gordon: I have another email!
Mike: Wow.
Gordon: This is from...Ryan Vickers!!??!
Mike: Whoo Ryan!
Joe: So that's whose seat I'm in.

From: Ryan Vickers

Hi guys - Here is the Canadian Idol Schedule
Edmonton AB Feb 18-19
Vancouver BC Feb 25-26
Regina SK Mar 4-5
Yellowknife NWT - TBA
Winnipeg Mar 11-12
Montreal Mar 17-18
Kitchener-Waterloo ON Mar 25-26
Halifax NS April 8-9
St. John's NL April 18
Ottawa ON April 22-23
Toronto ON April 28-30
Age limit is now *28*, IIRC it's as of your audition date. Ryan :-) will have more, I'm sure.

Chico: So who will follow in Melissa O'Neil's hot-ass shoes?
Gordon: Since the age restriction is 28, Ryan can audition! Weee
Joe: I'd rather talk aboot the organIzation
Chico: I'd think he was ineligible due to his obligations to TVO for Schooled.
Jason: could be.
Gordon: We'll see...I have one more piece of mail! Let's see which if our staff wrote this one...
Jason: let's hear it.
Gordon: Oh wait, it's actually from a fan. Christopher Reynolds. Thanks for writing, Chris!

From: Christopher Reynolds

1) what's the best plan for airing DoND in March, 2-week blitz, 1-week blitz, back-2-back days each week, once a week?

Joe: 2 week blitz, I'd say.
Jason: Thats the $64,000 question isn't it. I would go with the one weeker myself.
Mike: I'd take the one week as well.
Gordon: 1 week worked well last time.
Chico: I'd also take one week.. Give it time, then pummel. (C-Note: WLTI was recorded before the announcement slotting DoND for Mondays at 8p ET)
Gordon: Here's his second question.

From: Christopher Reynolds

2) With DoND's success, why is ABC still sitting on Super Millionaire? Will they un-shelf it to compete with NBC in March?

Jason: Two reasons: Lost and Desperate Housewives.
Chico: Chances are likely that they would unshelf it just to remain competitive. The challenge is finding a timeslot.
Joe: And Dancing with the Stars
Jason: If they didn't have them, it would be around. Yes.
Joe: And Boston Legal.
Jason: And when does the contract with ABC expire? Or the first use deal? May I think?
Chico: I think so, yeah.
Joe: I'll avoid the obvious pun
Chico: Heh..
Mike: Y'know, ABC does have holes in its schedule. They just cancelled that Heather Graham sitcom after an episode. After The Bachelor: Paris and Dancing with the Stars 2 go bye-bye, maybe it's time to unearth Super Millionaire...
Jason: To explain, ABC has to put on Super Millionaire before May 2006.
Mike: ...maybe on Mondays and Thursdays at 9? *shrug*
Joe: Super needed to be in a blitz, I thought. Television event and all that
Chico: Yeah,
Mike: I didn't know it had to be a blitz
Chico: because of the mad money behind it.
Jason: And if not, Davies can shop it anywhere it wants.
Chico: Including GSN, which he now has a deal with ...
Jason: Maybe to GSN in his Sony Deal...
Mike: ABC would do well by just getting it on the air and retaining the rights.
Chico: And we come full circle.
Jason: Like Chico said.
Joe: I love it when a plan comes together
Gordon: Yes - but the question is will ABC actually LISTEN to the good idea?
Jason: No.
Chico: They never have... the Bachelor's still on, isn't it?
Jason: I think they are going to let WWTBAM go.
Joe: Hells no. Since when do execs listen?
Chico: And with that, we've come to the end of another game-filled soiree. Again, we're always taking viewer e-mail at Joe... Congratulations... you've survived your first WLTI... first of many, we hope.
Jason: Agreed.
Mike: Well done, Joe!
Joe: Yay! *collapse*
Chico: We need a medic!
Joe: :-P
Chico: For Joe Mello, Mike Klauss, Jason Block, and everyone at Game Show Newsnet, He's Gordon, I'm Chico. The Show is We Love to Interrupt. You know how we do... GAME OVER and...
Gordon: Spread the love, Kids!
Chico: Peace out!
Mike: This meeting of the Liar's Club is adjourned.
Joe: No it's not.


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