Fast Cars and Superstars:
The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race
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Today is

Race 6 - June 19

Last episode, there were two couples still in the competition. This week, there's only one. Awww. Can Jewel keep the Jewel and Ty Murray combo alive? Will Gabrielle Reece pick up the slack for the newly eliminated Laird Hamilton? Will either of the guys left be humiliated by getting their butts waxed by a pair of females? We'll find out as we see the other semi-final bracket...

Round 2 - Accuracy

Bill Cowher
John Cena
Gabrielle Reece

(See the earlier recaps for information on what achievements they have done)

Young Gun - Jamie McMurray - They said that he's the youngest Young Gun, which means that he hasn't done squat yet.

The Rules - Not only must you race fast, you also have to race over arrows and land in a Pit Stop Row when you are done racing all three laps. A failure to run over a set of arrows adds 2 seconds to your time, and you also get penalty time depending on how badly you miss the Pit Stop Box. The worst driver of the four will not be around to see the final event.

Jewel starts it off. She's only going 127 MPH for the first lap, so she needs to be accurate. She isn't - she makes two mistakes, and despite being perfect in the second lap, it's only at 131 MPH. She really needs to be perfect in parking the car in the box...and she's not even close. A 15 second penalty on that, plus 4 seconds worth of missing the arrows and a very slow race track time is 2:26.98. She needs some help here.

Fast Fact - Only Laird Hamilton is slower than she has been.

Gabrielle is getting tips from both Laird and...Ty Murray? Jewel won't be happy to see that. She also won't be happy to see Bill Cowher being perfect on the arrows. The problem is that he only went 113 and 111 MPH in the first 2 laps, and the slow time could also knock him behind Jewel. He has to be perfect on the parking. He is, and that's what bails him out, because his time of 2:25.33 will get him to the finals.

Fast Fact - Jewel beat Cena in the first round. Should she do it again, Cena shouldn't even bother showing up at the WWE.

Cena is next to go - and he's not only hitting all of the arrows, he's hitting them a good 20 MPH faster than Bill Cowher. He misses the last arrow, but with a 137 MPH average, he's doing great...until sparks come flying out of his car. No matter - Cena parks perfectly, and the only thing shooting out sparks his his driving performance. His time - 2:04.98, which easily puts him into first place and very far away from elimination.

Fast Fact - 2:04.98 is the best time out of anyone in the semi-finals.

This will guarantee that a lady will be eliminated. It will either be Jewel - or Reece, who apparently wants Jewel to represent the ladies in the finals, because she's missed 5 of the first 6 arrows. She is averaging 130 MPH, which is faster than anyone, but she only made 3 of 12 arrows and she gets a penalty of 18 seconds so far. Even with a perfect stop in the final box, her 2:22.54 time + 18 seconds of penalty time = 2:40.54, which by far is the slowest time today. The couple of Gabrielle and Laird can discuss their lousy strategy while watching the finals, as the surviving couple of Jewel and Ty Murray will now get to compete against each other.

Next episode - The finals (buried on Sunday at 7pm) - and the end of the series. join us in 5 days to see who wins the first - and probably last - Fast Stars Show.


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